''Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring'' Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


this makes me smile ♥ 
willow smith is a legend!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Doll chatter....

So i turned 21 this week, I know feel like I should act like an adult.. as my brothers card said "welcome to adulthood" except birthdays don't seem to make the difference. They are beautiful days but I never feel that different after one. 

This year was indeed the best birthday I have had in years. My friends were incredible and among other beautiful presents I got a Barbie! This is beyond incredible- I used to get Barbie's ever year from my parents but they have refused for a long while on the basis that I am to old- so thank goodness for my housemates who disagree :)
beautiful birthday cupcakes ♥ 

I have finally started writing the dreaded dissertation and feel like I may slightly be getting somewhere. Although it is a lot of work I don't think I have ever been this excited about writing something at Uni before. I like that I could choose my subject and that I get to write about something that is close to my heart. I like that there is almost free reign and that we basically have to do it all alone. 
Somehow this makes me feel like a grown up. 

One of my friends made me a mixed CD of songs that we shared on our Israel trip this summer and this is one of my favourites: 

♥ 'me' 

Friday, 11 February 2011

You're the apple to my pie, You're the straw to my berry....

Things I love ♥

quotes that make me happy about failure 

funny clever graffiti 

the sunset in Israel 

beautifully done graffiti 

shadows with friends 

♥ the smell of library books 
♥ lunches with people talking about everything 
♥ the excitement from anticipation 
♥ tea 
♥ clean sheets 
♥ arms full of bracelets  
♥ stars 

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Last week of freedom...

Lectures start next week, along with a load of essays and endless hours of dissertation writing that must be done, and because of this I somewhat sub consciously decided that this week would be a lazy one, full of tea, chats, shopping, cupcakes and films. I haven't focused much on anything other than relaxing before my final semester of university commences!

This also marks a week of owning my iphone 4 which has now become a beautiful fixture to my side and is my new ♥ ... therefore the photos (which i know are mostly of food- what can i say, i love it) of my week shall be ones taking on that beautiful object which I am inclined to call 'my love' 

cupcakes and tea 

 australian red liquorice 

the view from the SU on a gloomy winters day 

I saw the film Black Swan today with some friends and it is such a good film! It is disturbing and weird but the dancing is soo beautiful and the story is so beautiful. Maybe it is that I always dreamed of being a ballet dancer when I was little or that I simply have a love for the art but it transported me back to christmases at the ballet and beautiful women on stage. However it should be an 18 not a 15 in my opinion because it is quite an explicit film! 

Tomorrow marks the start of a new busyness to my life and therefore I shall be enjoying the end of today. 

currently listening to: Kings of Leon: Only by the Night 
currently reading: Dear John 

♥ 'me'