'life is beautiful'
I think sometimes we get so bogged down with life and the worries and the tasks we have to do, that we forget the simple truth that 'la vita e bella' (life is beautiful).
Whatever happens in our lives, the pain and the hurt, the love and laughter; each and every part of it is beautiful and our lives are made up of small moments that make this huge picture.
Life isn't being easy on me at the moment, in fact a lot of the time it sucks but I walk out my door and I see the view of the city I live in and it makes me smile.
The graveyard at the end of my road gives me comfort and the songs that I listen to each day make me happy.
My best friend, with all the wisdom she has said to me today that 'summer always comes, sometimes it just takes a while'. She is right.
Life is beautiful, throughout the pain and heartache, life is beautiful and summer always comes.
It is God's world and He made it to be beautiful, and it is.